Księżyc jechał ze mną będzie Cezary Makiewicz

November 5, 2008

Księżyc jechał ze mną będzie Cezary Makiewicz
Moja miła w domu wylewa łzy
gdzie ja jestem – pyta wszędzie
nim opadnie kurz
będę w domu już
księżyc jechał ze mną będzie

A może to wiatr
podniósł piach
i sypnął prosto w oczy
twardym snem

Może to deszcz
twoje usta zmoczył
jak krople wody
spadał szept

Może to sen
bo tak serce bije
gdy na szyję
rzucasz się

Moja miła w domu liczy dni
gdzie ja jestem – pyta wszędzie
nim przeminie dzień
zobaczymy się
słońce jechać ze mną będzie

A może to dzień
Błysnął nagle słońcem
I w majowy
Wpadłem bez

A może to ptak
Gdzieś wysoko w drzewach
Głośno śpiewał
Silnik zgasł

Może tęsknota
Myśli mota
W środku lata
Figle płata

Moja miła w domu patrzy w noc
gdzie ja jestem pyta wszędzie
jestem, jestem tu
zbudzę cię ze snu
za nim słońce wzejdzie.

Nadchodzi właśnie pora łez Cezary Makiewicz

November 5, 2008

Nadchodzi właśnie pora łez Cezary Makiewicz
Z oddali nocy napływają
do oczu wspomnień pełne łzy,
przez lata ich się uzbierało
tyle, co nocy złych i dni.

Ciężkie jak deszczu wielkie krople,
nabrzmiałe jak dojrzały pąk,
jeszcze wydają się za oknem,
ale już niedaleko stąd.

Nadchodzi właśnie pora łez
Nadchodzi, coraz bliżej jest
kropla po kropli, już o krok
nim wstanie dzień, zapadnie mrok.

Jeszcze za szybą, lecz już blisko,
skoczą do oczu niczym kot,
pazurów ostrą stalą błysną,
zamglą się od nich myśl i wzrok.

Zapieką, zgryzą, złagodnieją,
wypłynie razem z nimi ból
i moc wyczerpie się wspomnieniom,
i będą jak zwietrzała sól.

Twarz się wygładzi, wypogodzi,
oczyści każdy skóry fałd,
aż do następnej łez powodzi,
aż po następny, nowy żal.

Gdybym uwierzył Cezary Makiewicz

November 5, 2008

Gdybym uwierzył Cezary Makiewicz
To już minęło wiele lat
chociaż pamiętam jakby dziś,
jej włosy, które pieścił wiatr,
jej oczy, co mąciły myśl.

A potem były wspólne dni
i noce spadających gwiazd,
śniliśmy razem wspólne sny,
których nie spełnił przyszły czas.

Gdybym uwierzył w to, że ja
Mógłbym u stóp mieć cały świat i ciebie
Gdybym uwierzył w to, że ty
Mogłaś moją być

Nie uwierzyłem w naszą miłość
I żyłem chwilą jak we śnie
Byś moja była nie prosiłem
Zniknęłaś nagle jak we mgle

Ty odnalazłaś własny dom,
ja kręty, lecz też własny szlak,
jest jakaś ona, jakiś on,
i jeden choć nie wspólny świat.

Czasami wraca wspomnień cień,
i czasem bywa trochę żal,
zostało coś na serca dnie,
z tego co los nam kiedyś dał.

Cell block tango Chicago (Musical)

November 5, 2008

Cell block tango Chicago (Musical)
Uh uh




Uh uh






Uh uh



He had it coming
He had it coming
He only had himself to blame
If you’d have been there
If you’d have seen it

I betcha you would have done the same!




Uh uh



[LIZ (Spoken)]
You know how people
have these little habits
That get you down. Like Bernie.
Bernie liked to chew gum.
No, not chew. POP.
So, I came home this one day
And I am really irritated, and
looking for a little like sympathy
and there’s Bernie layin’
on the couch, drinkin’ a beer
and chewin’. No, not chewin’.
Poppin’. So, I said to him,
I said, “You pop that
gum one more time…”
and he did.
So I took the shotgun off the wall
and I fired two warning shots…
…into his head.

He had it coming
He had it coming
He only had himself to blame
If you’d have been there
If you’d have seen it
I betcha you would
Have done the same!

[ANNIE (Spoken)]
I met Ezekiel Young from
Salt Lake city about two years ago
and he told me he was single
and we hit it off right away.
So, we started living together.
He’d go to work, he’d come home, I’d
fix him a drink, We’d have dinner.
And then I found out,
“Single” he told me?
Single, my ass. Not only
was he married
…oh, no, he had six wives.
One of those Mormons, you know. So that
night, when he came home, I fixed him
his drink as usual.
You know, some guys just can’t hold
their arsenic.

He had it coming
He had it coming
He took a flower
In its prime
And then he used it
And he abused it
It was a murder
But not a crime!

Pop, six, squish, uh-uh
Cicero, Lipschitz

[JUNE (Spoken)]
Now, I’m standing in the kitchen
carvin’ up the chicken for dinner,
minding my own business,
and in storms my husband Wilbur,
in a jealous rage.
“You been screwin’ the milkman,”
he says. He was crazy
and he kept on screamin’,
“you been screwin the milkman.”
And then he ran into my knife.
He ran into my knife ten times!

Pop, Six,

If you’d have been there
If you’d have seen it
I betcha you would have done the same!

[HUNYAK (Spoken)]
Mit kersek, en itt? Azt mondjok,
hogy a hires lakem lefogta a ferjemet en meg
lecsaptam a fejet. De nem igaz, en artatlan
vagyok. Nem tudom mert mondja
Uncle Sam hogy en tettem. probaltam
a rendorsegen megmayarazni de nem ertettek meg…

[JUNE (Spoken)]
Yeah, but did you do it?

UH UH, not guilty!

My sister, Veronica and
I had this double act
and my husband, Charlie,
traveled round with us.
Nevertheless, number in
our act, we did these 20 acrobatic tricks in a row
one,two,three,four,five…splits, spread eagles,
back flips,flip flops,
one right after the other.
So, this one night before the show
we’re down at the hotel Cicero,
the three of us, boozin’,
havin’ a few laughs and
we ran out of ice.
So I go out to get some.
I come back, open the door
and there’s Veronica and
Charlie doing Number Seventeen-
the spread eagle.

Well, I was in such a state of shock,
I completely blacked out.I can’t remember a thing.
It was until later,
when I was washing the blood off my hands
I even knew they were dead.

They had it coming
They had it coming
They had it coming all along
I didn’t do it
But if I’d done it
How could you tell me that I was wrong?

I loved Al Lipschitz
more than I can possibly say.
He was a real artistic guy…
sensitive… a painter.
But he was always trying
to find himself.
He’d go out every night
looking for himself
and on the way
he found Ruth,
Rosemary and Irving.
I guess you can say we broke
up because of our artistic differences.
He saw himself as alive
and I saw him dead.

The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum

They had it comin’
They had it comin’
They had it comin’
They had it comin’
They had it comin’
They had it comin’
All along
All along
‘Cause if they used us
‘Cause if they used us And they abused us
And they abused us
How could you tell us
How could you tell us That we were wrong?
That we were wrong?

He had it coming
He had it coming
He only had
To blame.
If you’d have been there
If you’d have seen it
I betcha
You would
Have done
The same!

[LIZ (Spoken)]
You pop that gum one more time!

[ANNIE (spoken)]
Single my ass.

[JUNE (Spoken)]
Ten times!

[HUNYAK (Spoken)]
Miert csukott Uncle Same bortonbe.

[VELMA (Spoken)]
Number seventeen-the spread eagle.

[MONA (Spoken)]
Artistic differences.

I betcha you would have done the same!

Funny honey Chicago (Musical)

November 5, 2008

Funny honey Chicago (Musical)
Sometimes I’m right
Sometimes I’m wrong
But he doesn’t care
He’ll String along
He loves me so
That funny honey of mine

Sometimes I’m down
Sometimes I’m up
But he follows ’round
Like some droopy-eyed pup
He love me so
That sunny honey of mine

He ain’t no sheik
That’s no great physique
Lord knows, he ain’t got the smarts

Oh, but look at that soul
I tell you, the whole
Is a whole lot greater than
The sum of his parts

And if you knew him like me
I know you’d agree
What if the world
Slandered my name?
Why, he’d be right there
Taking the blame

He loves me so
And it all suits me fine
That funny, sunny, honey
Hubby of mine

[AMOS (Spoken)]
A man’s got a right to protect his home
and his loved ones, right?

[FOGARTY (Spoken)]
Of course, he has.

[AMOS (Spoken)]
Well, I came in from the garage, Officer, and I
see him coming through the window. With my
wife Roxanne there, sleepin’…like an angel…

He loves me so
That funny honey of mine

[AMOS (Spoken)]
…an angel!

[AMOS (Spoken)]
I mean supposin’, just supposin’, he had violated
her or somethin’…you know what I mean…

[FOGARTY (Spoken)]
I know what you mean…

[AMOS (Spoken)]
…or somethin’. Think how terrible that would have been.
It’s a good thing I came home from work on time, I’m tellin’ ya that! I say I’m tellin’ ya that!

He loves me so
That funny honey of mine

[FOGARTY (Spoken)]
Name of deceased… Fred Casely.

[AMOS (Spoken)]
Fred Casely. How could he be a burglar?
My wife knows him! He sold us our furniture!

Lord knows he ain’t got the smarts

[AMOS (Spoken)]
She lied to me. She told me he was a burglar!

[FOGARTY (Spoken)]
You mean he was dead when you got home?

[AMOS (Spoken)]
She had him covered with a sheet and she’s givin’
me that cock and bull story abou this burglar, and
I ought to say that I did it ’cause I was sure to get off.
Burglar, huh!

Now, he shot off his trap

I can’t stand that sap

Look at him go
Rattin’ on me
With just one more brain
What a half-wit he’d be

If they string me up
I’ll know who
Brought the twine

[AMOS (Spoken)]
And I believed her!
That cheap little tramp. So, she
Was two-timing me, huh?
Well, then, she can just
Swing for all I care.
Boy, I’m down at the garage,
Working my butt off fourteen
Hours a day and she’s up mucnhin’
on god-damn bon bons and jazzing.
This time she pushed me too far.
That little chiseler.
Boy, what I sap I was!

That scummy, crummy
Dummy hubby of mine!

can’t do it alone Chicago (Musical)

November 5, 2008

can’t do it alone Chicago (Musical)
[VELMA (to Roxie)]
My sister and I had an act that couldn’t flop
My sister and I were headed straight fo the top
My sister and I earned a thou a week at least
Oh, sure!
But my sistr is now, unfortunately, deceased

Oh, I know it’s sad, of course
But a fact is still a fact
And now all that remains
Is the remains
Of a perfect double act!

Roxie, do you know you are exactly the same
size as my sister? Oh, you would fit in her wardrobe
perfectly. Look, why don’t I just show you some of
the act, huh? Watch this.

[VELMA dances]

Now you have to imagine
this with two people.
It’s swell with two people.

First I’d…(drums!)
Then she’d…(saxophone!)
Then we’d…(together!)
But I can’t do it alone!
Then she’d…
Then I’d…
Then we’…
But I can’t do it alone!

She’d say,”What’s your sister like?”
I’d say, “Men,”
Yuk, Yuk, yuk
She’d say, “you’re the cat’s meow”
Then we’d wow the crowd again
When she’d go…
I’d go…
We’d go…

And then those ding-dong daddies started to roar
Whistled, stomped and stamped on the floor
Yelling, sreaming, begging for more.

And we’d say, “O.K. fellas, keep your socks up.
you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

[VELMA dances]

But I simply cannot do it alone!

Well? What did ya’ think? Come on, you can say.

[ROXIE gives her a raspberry]

O.K., O.K. The first part can always be rewritten.
But the second part was really nifty. Watch this.

Then she’d…(See, get it, right?)
Then I’d…(Then I’d kick really high…)
Then we’d…
But I can’t do it alone!
She’d say, “What state’s Chicago in?”
I’d say, “ILL!”
Did ya’ get that?
She’d say, “Turn your motor off”
I can hear ’em cheerin’ still
When she’d go…
I’d go…
We’d go…(Sideways!)
And then those two-bit Johnnies did it up brown
To cheer the best attraction in town
They nearly tore the balcony down

And we’d say. “O.K. fellas, O.K.,
we’re goin’ home, but here’s a few more partin’ shots!”
And this… this we did in perfect unison.

[VELMA dances]

Now, you’ve seen me goin’ through it
It may seem there’s nothin’ to it
But I simply cannot do it

[ROXIE turns her down]

Like the deserted bride on her wedding night
All alone and shaking with fright
With her brand new hubby nowhere in sight
I simply cannot do it alone…

Mister cellophane Chicago (Musical)

November 5, 2008

Mister cellophane Chicago (Musical)
If someone stood up in a crowd
And raised his voice up way out loud
And waved his arm and shook his leg
You’d notice him

If someone in the movie show
Yelled “Fire in the second row
This whole place is a powder keg!”
You’d notice him

And even without clucking like a hen
Everyone gets noticed, now and then,
Unless, of course, that personage should be
Invisible, inconsequential me!

Mister Cellophane
Shoulda been my name
Mister Cellophane
‘Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I’m there…

I tell ya
Mister Cellophane
Shoulda been my name
Mister Cellophane
‘Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I’m there…

Suppose you was a little cat
Residin’ in a person’s flat
Who fed you fish and scratched your ears?
You’d notice him

Suppose you was a woman, wed
And sleepin’ in a double bed
Beside one man, for seven years
You’d notice him

A human being’s made of more than air
With all that bulk, you’re bound to see him there
Unless that human bein’ next to you
Is unimpressive, undistinguished
You know who…

Mister Cellophane
Shoulda been my name
Mister Cellophane
‘Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I’m there…
I tell ya
Mister Cellophane
Shoulda been my name
Mister Cellophane
‘Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I’m there
Never even know I’m there.

Hope I didn’t take up too much of your time

Funny honey Chicago (Musical)

November 5, 2008

Funny honey Chicago (Musical)
Sometimes I’m right
Sometimes I’m wrong
But he doesn’t care
He’ll String along
He loves me so
That funny honey of mine

Sometimes I’m down
Sometimes I’m up
But he follows ’round
Like some droopy-eyed pup
He love me so
That sunny honey of mine

He ain’t no sheik
That’s no great physique
Lord knows, he ain’t got the smarts

Oh, but look at that soul
I tell you, the whole
Is a whole lot greater than
The sum of his parts

And if you knew him like me
I know you’d agree
What if the world
Slandered my name?
Why, he’d be right there
Taking the blame

He loves me so
And it all suits me fine
That funny, sunny, honey
Hubby of mine

[AMOS (Spoken)]
A man’s got a right to protect his home
and his loved ones, right?

[FOGARTY (Spoken)]
Of course, he has.

[AMOS (Spoken)]
Well, I came in from the garage, Officer, and I
see him coming through the window. With my
wife Roxanne there, sleepin’…like an angel…

He loves me so
That funny honey of mine

[AMOS (Spoken)]
…an angel!

[AMOS (Spoken)]
I mean supposin’, just supposin’, he had violated
her or somethin’…you know what I mean…

[FOGARTY (Spoken)]
I know what you mean…

[AMOS (Spoken)]
…or somethin’. Think how terrible that would have been.
It’s a good thing I came home from work on time, I’m tellin’ ya that! I say I’m tellin’ ya that!

He loves me so
That funny honey of mine

[FOGARTY (Spoken)]
Name of deceased… Fred Casely.

[AMOS (Spoken)]
Fred Casely. How could he be a burglar?
My wife knows him! He sold us our furniture!

Lord knows he ain’t got the smarts

[AMOS (Spoken)]
She lied to me. She told me he was a burglar!

[FOGARTY (Spoken)]
You mean he was dead when you got home?

[AMOS (Spoken)]
She had him covered with a sheet and she’s givin’
me that cock and bull story abou this burglar, and
I ought to say that I did it ’cause I was sure to get off.
Burglar, huh!

Now, he shot off his trap

I can’t stand that sap

Look at him go
Rattin’ on me
With just one more brain
What a half-wit he’d be

If they string me up
I’ll know who
Brought the twine

[AMOS (Spoken)]
And I believed her!
That cheap little tramp. So, she
Was two-timing me, huh?
Well, then, she can just
Swing for all I care.
Boy, I’m down at the garage,
Working my butt off fourteen
Hours a day and she’s up mucnhin’
on god-damn bon bons and jazzing.
This time she pushed me too far.
That little chiseler.
Boy, what I sap I was!

That scummy, crummy
Dummy hubby of mine!

We both reach for the gun Chicago (Musical)

November 5, 2008

We both reach for the gun Chicago (Musical)
Where’d you come from?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]

And your parents?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Very wealthy.

Where are they now?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Six feet under.

But she was granted one more start

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
The convent of The Sacred Heart!

When’d you get here?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]

How old were you?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Don’t remember

Then what happened?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
I met Amos
And he stole my heart away
Convinced me to elope one day

[MARY SUNSHINE (spoken)]
A convent girl! A run-away marriage!
oh, it’s too terrible. You poor, poor dear.

Who’s Fred Casely?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
My ex-boyfriend.

Why’d you shoot him?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
I was leavin’.

Was her angry?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Like a madman
Still I said, “Fred, move along.”

She knew that she was doin’ wrong.

Then describe it.

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
He came toward me.

With a pistol?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
From my bureau.

Did you fight him?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Like a tiger.

He had strength and she had none.

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
And yet we both reached for the gun
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes we both
Oh yes we both
Oh yes, we both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun, the gun
Oh yes, we both reached for the gun
For the gun.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun, the gun,
Oh yes, they both reached for the gun
for the gun.

understandable. understandable
Yes, it’s perfectly understandable
Comprehensible. Comprehensible
Not a bit reprehensible
It’s so defensible!

How’re you feeling?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Very frightened

Are you sorry?

Are you kidding?

What’s you’re statement?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
All I’d say is
Though my choo-choo jumped the track
I’d give my life to bring him back


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Stay away from


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Jazz and liquor


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
And the men who


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Play for fun

And what?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
That’s the thougt that


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Came upon me


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
When we both reached for the gun!

Understandable, understandable

Yes, it’s perfectly understandable
Comprehensible, comprehensible
Not a bit reprehensible
It’s so defensible!

[BILLY (spoken)]
Let me
Hear it!

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun,
The gun
Oh yes, they both reached
For the gun

[BILLY (spoken)]
A little louder!

For the Gun.
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached
For the gun, the gun,

[BILLY (spoken)]
Now you got it!

The gun,the gun
Oh yes. They both reached
For the gun
For the gun.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
Oh yes, they both reached for the gun.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun.

Both reached for the…gun

The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
Both reached for the gun.

Roxie Chicago (Musical)

November 5, 2008

Roxie Chicago (Musical)
The name on everybody’s lips
Is gonna be Roxie
The lady rakin’ in the chips
Is gonna be Roxie

I’m gonna be a celebrity
That means somebody eveyone knows
They’re gonna recognize my eyes
My hair, my teeth, my boobs, my nose

From just some dumb mechanic’s wife
I’m gonna be Roxie
Who says that murders not an art?

And who in case she doesn’t hang
can say she started with a bang?
Foxy Roxie Hart!

[ROXIE (spoken)]
You wanna know something? I always wanted to be in
Vaudeville. And now that I’m a celebrity, I’m
gonna have me a swell act, too. Yeah, I’ll get a boy
to work with- someone who can lift me up, show me off-
Oh hell, I’ll get two boys. It’ll frame me better.
Think “BIG”, Roxie, think “BIG.”
I’m gonna get a whole bunch of boys.

The name on everybody’s lips
Is gonna be


The lady rakin’ in the chips is gonna be

Roxie. She’s gonna be a celebrity

That means somebody everyone knows

They’re gonna recognize her eyes
Her hair. Her teeth…

…My boobs, my nose
From just some dumb mechanic’s wife
I’m gonna be
Sing it!


Who says that murder’s not an art?

And who in case she doesn’t hang

Can say she started
With a bang?

Foxy Roxie Hart

They’re gonna wait outside in line
To get to see Roxie

Think of those autographs I’ll sign
“Good luck to you, Roxie”

And I’ll appear in Lavaliere
That goes all the way down to my waist

Here a ring, there a ring
Everywhere a ring a ling

But always in the best of taste
Oooh I’m a star.

And the audience loves her.

[ROXIE (spoken)]
And I love the audience. And the audience loves me
for loving them. And I love them for lving me. And
we jus tlove each other. That’s because none of us
got any love in our childhood.

[BOYS (spoken)]
That’s right.

[ROXIE (spoken)]
And that’s show biz, Kid.

Oh yeah.

She’s giving up here humdrum life

I’m gonna be

She made a scandal and a start.

And Sophie Tucker will shit, I know
To see her name get billed below

Foxy Roxie Hart!

Chuh, chuh, chuh, etc…

[ROXIE (Spoken)]
Those are my boys.